Thursday, June 17, 2004

Communal Photos

So, Julia and I seem to be on the same wavelength all the damn time. About a half an hour ago, we were chatting about all the photos we have, but that we never have enough time to send them to each other, not to mention all of our other friends who should see them. And so the brainstorming began (our intellects are SO dizzying). This Blog is the product of the aforementioned brainstorming.

The inspirational photo for our new blog. Here we go! Whee.......!!!!

Our hope is that all of our friends will also post their photos. Keeping in touch just got a little easier. And more fun!

Julia, I promise not to publish anything incriminating unless you say it's ok. *winks*


Julia said...

That's me and Ben at Six Pockets in Irondequoit for those wondering. What a fun night!

battlemaiden said...

Oh, right. Remind me to actually write in the caption something relevant about the photo itself.