Thursday, August 26, 2004

Lori at The Casino

If this isn't blackmail material, I don't know what is!

Lori Performing a Lap Dance Posted by Hello

Lori's Bachelorette Party

Lori At The Italian Fisherman Posted by Hello

Friday, August 20, 2004

Another Reason Wal*Mart Sucks

A trip to Wal*Mart was not a happy time for me today. I had to buy a new toilet seat because Matt had broke the one we have. Well, the sales associates had overstocked the racks, so a plastic seat fell off the rack, directly onto my big toe. I should have limped over to a employee to complain but the pain was a bit distracting. I removed my nail polish on that toe so I could get a better idea of the damage sustained. The last time something like this happened was when I accidentally got my finger caught in my car door after a late night.

When Merchandise Connects With Toe Posted by Hello

Another Thursday Night at The Cherry

We made Kevin mess up his hair real good before I took this picture. It sure felt good to be back in Jamestown for our usual Thursday night alcohol and friend-fix.

Kevin & a Beer at The Cherry Lounge Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Burning of the xmas tree

Brett throws part of a dead pine tree on the fire. As he does so, TJ says "you're not really going to do that." Brett responds, incredulously "of course I am!"

Stoking the fire

As if the fire wasn't big enough, Brett had to throw yet more chunks of tree on it. The fire was still going at noon the next day!

smokey Brett

Brett tends to the fire. The neat effect of the smoke is courtesy of my cigarette while taking the picture.

Brett and gun safety

Brett demonstrates the proper, NRA-approved method of handling a shot-gun and a beer.

"Darkness warshed over the Dude"

More photos of our antics on Lebowski night:

Me, but where is my caucasian?

Susan, Ryan, & Ben

Speak no evil, know no evil, see no evil? (Ben, Susan, & Ryan)

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

"Causes Serious But Reversible Eye Damage"

The only way to hula-hoop. (Susan)

Sunday evening, we went over to Ben and Susan's for dinner. After several beers, Susan decided we should all take a turn on the piano and each do 2 songs. Instead, Susan and I ended up, by ourselves, playing drunken Ben Folds (what else?) tunes. My punishment? An episode of Black Adder. I won't do it again, I promise!

Can't wait for Friday's The Big Lebowski viewing, complimented by the consumption of many, many White Russians.

Ben grilling in the dark. We all hoped against hope the burgers would only be slightly pink.

More wedding photos!

Post-wedding jackassery (Ryan, Christa, Stenz, Ben).

The lovliest bridesmaids ever (Anne and me)!

The Bridal Party dancing.

Beth and Jeff at the wedding.